GRE Reading Comprehension

The GRE Reading Comprehension section is similar to that of the SAT and ACT exams but more challenging. This course will teach you to “read between the lines.” Much of the reading techniques we discuss are also covered in our Critical Reasoning chapter. The Reading Comprehension section is much like Critical Reasoning, but with a longer attention span for its 250+ word passages.

Want a diagnostic before going too far into this course? You can take a sample GRE with analytics and video explanations for each question.

The Challenge: evaluate perspectives

View reading comprehension passages as if they were a reality TV show where you have been dropped in a rain forest with no clues where you are or how to proceed. On the GRE , a reading passage will be dropped in front of you and you will have no background on it whatsoever:

….And your mastery of those 450 words will determine your future graduate school and career options.

GRE Course