Out of State Warrant

An arrest occurs when you have been taken into police or law enforcement custody, and are no longer free to walk away. The United States Constitution only authorizes arrests if the arresting entity has “ probable cause ” to believe that a crime was committed, and that the suspect is responsible.

An arrest warrant is a type of official, court document that is issued by a criminal law judge or magistrate, and details the criminal charge as well as the name and description of the person who is sought for the crime listed. This warrant allows for law enforcement officials to arrest an individual who is accused of committing a crime.

Out of state arrest warrants are issued by a criminal law judge or magistrate in a different state than where the individual lives, or is arrested. Typically, a valid arrest warrant allows for an arrest to be made anywhere within the United States.

Further, if an arrest warrant was issued weeks or months in the past, it is sometimes referred to as an outstanding warrant. Outstanding warrants are valid arrest warrants, because the person has not been arrested yet.

Generally, a person will not be notified if there has been an out of state warrant issued for their arrest. However, some states allow individuals to conduct a search in order to see if a warrant has been issued for their arrest.

This information may be available on an official warrant look-up website provided by many jurisdictions. Warrant look-up websites are typically run by local law enforcement, meaning it only contains information regarding that specific county or city.

  1. Can I Get a Driver’s License or a Job If I Have a Warrant in Another State?
  2. How is an Out-of-State Arrest Warrant Issued?
  3. If I Am Arrested on an Out-of-State Arrest Warrant, Where Will My Case Be Held?
  4. Do I Need an Attorney for Assistance with an Out-of-State Arrest Warrant Issue?

Can I Get a Driver’s License or a Job If I Have a Warrant in Another State?

The DMV, or Department of Motor Vehicles, consists of fifty agencies adhering to the individual laws of the fifty states. As such, some states allow their DMV to check for arrest warrants while many others will not.

If you have a warrant in another state, then you will need to contact the DMV for both your home state and the state in which your warrant has been issued, in order to determine if you will be able to obtain a driver’s license in either state. However, most state DMVs do have ways of catching people with driving related warrants.

An example of this is New York’s DMV system. They are able to catch criminals through their photo IDs, because as soon as a person is photographed for a driver’s license or ID card, the photo is run through face recognition software and compares it to images already in the state’s database.

In some other states, the DMV is made aware of traffic related warrants because of court reporting requirements. Once they have been notified, they will not allow the violator to obtain or renew a driver’s license, nor will they allow the violator to register a vehicle. This is also referred to as a DMV or driver’s license hold.

Your state’s DMV may learn of your out of state warrant through the Driver License Compact (DLC), and the National Driver Register (NDR). The DLC is an agreement between forty-five states; when a driver who has a license from one state is picked up in another state for serious traffic violations, the incident is reported to the driver’s home state DMV. The home state treats the offense as if it had been committed there as opposed to in another state.

States belonging to the DLC also enforce driver’s license holds from other states. The NDR is a national database in which states report drivers who have lost their driving rights or been convicted of serious traffic violations. This prevents someone with a suspended driver’s license in one state from going to another in order to obtain a new license.

Typically, if there is a warrant out for your arrest, whether it be in state or out of state, you will not be able to obtain a new license until the warrant has been cleared. Depending on your local jurisdiction, when a warrant is issued for your arrest, your license may be suspended or revoked. Warrants will not show up on your criminal background check; however, they may show up in court record background searches.

Thus, it may be possible to still secure employment with an active warrant, but it is important to remember that you may be arrested anywhere at any time, including while you are working. Your best course of action is to address the warrant immediately and follow through with any required steps to get the warrant cleared.

How is an Out-of-State Arrest Warrant Issued?

How a warrant is issued is not generally affected by whether it is in-state or out of state. Both types of warrants are issued in similar situations and for similar reasons. Some examples of why an out of state warrant is typically issued include: