FAQ’s Concerning Breaking/Terminating A Commercial Lease in Arizona

Why would a Tenant or Landlord Wish to Break or Terminate A Commercial Lease Before Term Is Up in Arizona?

When circumstances change unexpectedly, commercial landlords or commercial tenants may seek to terminate leases prematurely for a variety of reasons. Among the most common are:

What Steps Can A Commercial Tenant Take to Protect Its Interests Regarding Potentially Terminating or Breaking A Lease Short of Its Full Term?

Hopefully the landlord and tenant have both practiced ‘preventative medicine’ by negotiating good lease terms in the first place, so the lease has reasonable protections/escape clauses for both sides regarding the circumstances that may develop which could lead to early lease termination. From the commercial tenant’s standpoint, here are suggested safeguards which can be written into the lease:

What Suggested Safeguards Can the Commercial Landlord Rely Upon If It Wishes to Terminate the Lease for Cause Prior to Its Expiration?

Most commercial property leases provide a commercial landlord with early termination rights in particular circumstances. Usually these rights include the right to terminate a lease if a tenant fails to timely pay the rent or if a tenant violates certain provisions of the lease. There ordinarily are various other ‘early out’ provisions beneficial to the landlord. Oftentimes the lease termination provisions provide notice and cure periods that must be honored before a lease can be terminated. These provisions usually require written notice to the other party in breach regarding the specifics of the breach and the lease provision being violated. They also usually allow the tenant an opportunity to cure such breach before terminating the lease. If the breach is timely cured, the lease ordinarily may carry forward.

What Are the Consequences for the Tenant and/or the Landlord for Wrongfully Terminating A Lease?

For the Tenant: In addition to being responsible for all back rent accrues through the date of termination, the landlord may also have the right, depending on the lease, to accelerate and charge the tenant for all future rent that would have accrued through the lease term if the tenant had not wrongfully terminated.. In addition, wrongful termination by a tenant in some instances can result in the forfeiture of any abated rent previously offered by the landlord, which may also become due and owing upon the termination. Of course an award of attorney’s fees and court costs may also apply.

For the Landlord: A landlord who wrongfully terminates a lease may also risk legal and financial exposure upon proof the of the wrongful termination and breach of the lease. When the termination is followed by removing the tenant from the premises through a legal eviction proceeding or otherwise, the landlord may further risk exposure for a wrongful eviction action and potential claims for conversion of the tenant’s property where the property remains in the leased premises from which the tenant was removed. (Alleged violations of the lease and/or A.R.S. 33-361 and A.R.S. 33-362). Wrongful eviction may also be proven if the landlord lawfully terminate a lease, but does something unlawful in the process of removing the tenant from the Lease Premises. Of course an award of attorney’s fees and court costs may also apply.

What Options Are Available When Circumstances Change Unexpectedly and The Commercial Tenant Needs Legal and Financial Relief Relating to the Lease/Or Landlord Has A Change of Circumstances and Needs Early Termination?

Advice to Tenants to Bolster Discussions

Good communication between the landlord and tenant is most important

Early Discussions with the landlord’s representative should take place, in person if possible to discuss the particular issues and see whether the situation might be improved or altered so as to avoid the termination. Make sure the proposed representative is one with authority or the ability to get the ear of the ultimate decisionmaker. From the tenant’s standpoint, this is not always easy because commercial properties are often managed by property management companies and the owner of the leasehold premises is not always available for negotiation. Retaining a good real estate attorney can be helpful in this regard because he or she will get the attention of those who count and attempt to resolve issues.

Before the discussion:

At the meeting and during the discussion:

Be aware and emphasize to the landlord that if a tenant breaks the lease and vacates the leasehold premises, the landlord still has the duty to mitigate the tenant’s damages. This means a landlord must take reasonable steps to put in place a replacement tenant as soon as possible so that its damages cease to accrue, or at least are decreased.

What Are Some of the Issues Which Need to Be Addressed in Lease Termination or Re-Negotiation Discussions?

What is the potential for a Lock-Out under the Lease and/or A.R.S. 33-361 ?

If you as a commercial tenant fail to pay rent, the landlord may be able to reenter the property and change the locks. But the lease can change the procedure and dictate how much notice you must be give, along with other terms.

How Do Commercial Landlord Lien Rights Pursuant to the Lease or A.R.S. 33-362 Enter the Picture?

The landlord has a lien on all property of the tenant in the premises, so some tenant consider removal of certain property before the situation escalates. The definition of what property is removable become important and is governed by the terms of the lease agreement, Arizona statutes and fixture law in Arizona. There are certain exemptions to the landlord lien law. Generally, it does not apply to property on the premises belonging to someone else.

Contact Us Today

If you need an attorney to negotiate a commercial lease termination or modification, please call The Law Offices of William D. Black at (602) 265-2600 or email us and we will be happy to provide an initial free consultation. Remember, if a landlord or tenant does not act with sound legal judgment based on good legal advice, he/she may risk significant legal and financial liabilities