Young writers need to experience sustained and successful writing. Guided writing lessons are temporary, small-group lessons teaching those strategies that a group of students most need to practice with immediate guidance from you. Guided writing lessons can be taught after a whole-class lesson once other students are actively engaged in independent writing.
Writing is learned through apprenticeships, as teachers assist students during writing using guided practice. Many students need this expert guidance in a small-group context, particularly as they attempt to bridge the gap between the teacher's demonstration and modeling and their own independent writing.
Young and poor writers have a limited control over strategies for writing. These writers do, however, learn strategic behavior for writing when these strategies are taught to them in clear and supportive ways. When authentic and targeted modeling of the ways in which writers work is presented by teachers and co-constructed with students during collaborative, rich discussion, learners develop understanding of the purposes, intrinsic motivation, and techniques of writing. Several excellent frameworks for writing instruction accomplish these goals, including modeled, shared, interactive, guided or independent writing. During guided writing instruction, in particular, students are provided with opportunities to experience successful and independent writing within the context of strong teacher support.
Guided writing is taught to small groups in briskly paced, 20-minute lessons. These groupings should be flexible, based on observation of students' current needs, and might be implemented following a whole-class writing lesson.