Thesis Statement Quitting Smoking Essay

Thesis: Smokers usually move through five stages to quit smoking, and non-smokers have to help them constantly and carefully. Credibility Statement: In high school health class, we have been taught about how smoking cigarettes affects our body. But my school had a different program compared to other schools. There was study session only for cigarette smokers. I took the session for a semester and learned a lot more than I used to know about smoking cigarettes. Also I have helped my friends to quit

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Smoking and Pregnancy Essay

Smoking and Pregnancy Essay

Effects of Smoking and Pregnancy William Franklin Stewart Marshall University January 19, 2010 Thesis Statement Smoking during pregnancy is associated with many adverse outcomes for children as well as negative consequences for child health and development. Maternal smoking late in pregnancy reduces birth weight and size. Babies that are born to habitual smokers "weigh, on average, about 9 oz. less, and are shorter both at birth and in the years to come" (Berger 115). Nicotine is the addictive

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Outline For A Word For Word

Outline For A Word For Word

persons will die every year of a disease attributable to tobacco use” (Mazzone, 2004). B. (Reason to listen): Hi, I’m Cody Polton, I’ve been around smoking all my life and it really irritates me. I know it is bad for you, but I didn’t realize how bad it was until I began to write this speech. C. (Thesis statement with preview of main points): Smoking not only hurts you, it hurts your friends and family, it can lead to severe diseases, and although it is hard to quit, it is not impossible. Transition:

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Why Some Smokers Should Consider Switching To E-Cigs

Why Some Smokers Should Consider Switching To E-Cigs

smokers of the safer alternative; electronic cigarettes. Thesis statement: Trying to stop smoking can be the hardest thing a person can do. Couple that with the fact that there are 101 ways to stop smoking, those that are not 100% dedicated to quitting can find this a very daunting task. However, there is one way that can make the path to quitting clearer and easier. Attention/Introduction A.

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Informative Speech : Strokes Of Young Adults

Informative Speech : Strokes Of Young Adults

Danielle Sinquefield Informative Outline Topic: Strokes in Young Adults General Purpose To Inform Specific Purpose: To educate my audience on the causes, symptoms, and preventive measures of strokes in young adults. Thesis: Strokes are commonly associated with old age, symptoms and awareness are often unnoticed in young adults due to ambiguity about strokes. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: As young adults, many of us may feel immune from ailments typically associated with the

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Teen Smoking : By Chris Woolston

Teen Smoking : By Chris Woolston

on this thesis. The author gives sufficient data about how teen smokers are increasing among youths citing ample convincing evidence from prior researches. He also gives the causes of the augmentation of the smoking behavior among teens and effective ways through which the matter could be solved. However, I could have liked categorization of the status of the teen more affected by the smoking habit (students and non-students). This article is Chris Woolston’s work entitled ‘Teen Smoking’. Woolston

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The Effects of Culture and Ethnicity on Tobacco Prevention and Cessation

The Effects of Culture and Ethnicity on Tobacco Prevention and Cessation

Introduction Tobacco usage remains the main preventable reason for loss of life and illness within the US, with almost 443,000 fatalities taking place yearly due to smoking cigarettes and contact with second-hand cigarette smoke (CDC, 2008). Furthermore, almost ninety percent of adult people who smoke start using cigarettes from age eighteen years (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). To evaluate present cigarette usage amongst youths, CDC examined information via the 2011 National