Pain management program offers an alternative to opioids

Not all pain is treated with opioids. Explore other medications and nondrug treatments that anesthesiologists use to provide effective pain management.

Explore this page:

Select a Topic
  1. Non-Opioid Treatment
  2. What are some alternatives to opioids?
  3. What high-tech methods might help relieve chronic pain?
  4. Are marijuana and cannabinoids such as CBD oil good pain relief options?

Non-Opioid Treatment

Millions of Americans are in pain. Some suffer from chronic headaches or back pain; others are recovering from surgery, sports injuries, or accidents. Every year, millions of prescriptions are written for pain medications — many of them powerful opioids that can cause side effects and lead to addiction.

But there are many non-opioid treatments available for pain, including prescription and over-the-counter aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen; nondrug remedies such as massage and acupuncture; and high-tech treatments using radio waves and electrical signals.

If you’re in pain and want to avoid taking opioids, an anesthesiologist can work with you to develop a safe and effective pain management plan.

An anesthesiologist can work with you to develop a safe and effective pain management plan.

What are some alternatives to opioids?

There are many non-opioid pain medications that are available over the counter or by prescription, such as ibuprofen (Motrin), acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin (Bayer), and steroids, and some patients find that these are all they need. Other people find relief with nondrug therapies that can be used alone or in combination with medications. These include:

Nurse assisting elderly patient with walker

Many patients also find relief from massages and other relaxation techniques, as well as biofeedback, where you learn to control involuntary functions such as your heart rate.

What high-tech methods might help relieve chronic pain?

Some patients with chronic pain will simply not find relief with non-opioid medications or treatments like physical therapy. For them, there are new techniques being developed that may relieve their pain and, in some cases, keep it from coming back.

Some of the latest high-tech methods for relieving chronic pain include:

Are marijuana and cannabinoids such as CBD oil good pain relief options?

In discussing marijuana and cannabinoids as pain management options, it may help to understand what they are and how they are related to each other.

Much more research is needed to fully understand the risks and any potential benefits of using marijuana and cannabinoids, including CBD, for pain management. The American Society of Anesthesiologists supports legislation to expand this research. However, until this research is completed, here are some important factors to consider:

As research on these substances continues, anesthesiologists and other pain management specialists can work with people in pain to develop a safe, effective pain management plan that doesn’t include marijuana, cannabinoids, or opioids.

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