Manuals, Forms and Resources

For HCA's provider guidance, visit the links below, found on HCA's COVID-19 web page.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the HCA has purchased a limited number of licenses for Zoom, a video conferencing technology that helps health care providers continue seeing patients without a physical encounter. See HCA's Zoom License Request page for details and an application.

For more provider-specific information regarding coronavirus, please visit our Coronavirus Information web page.

Apple Health (Medicaid) Manual and Guides

Apple Health (Medicaid) Forms

Behavioral Health

BH Levels of Care Sheet

Fact Sheets




Substance Use

Collaborative Care

Collaborative Care is a specific type of integrated care where medical providers and behavioral health providers work together to address behavioral health conditions, including mental health and substance use disorders.

  1. Collaborative Care is intended to enhance usual primary care by adding two key services:
    Care management support for patients receiving behavioral health treatment; and
  2. Regular psychiatric consultation with the primary care team, particularly clients whose conditions are not improving. (WAC 182-531-0425)

Completing the Washington Health Care Authority's (HCA) Attestation form is required for providers to indicate they meet the standards. The form is found on HCA's Forms and Publications page on their web site, or by searching for 13-0017.

The completed attestation form needs to be sent to the HCA at before billing for these codes.