How and When To Put Coursera Certificates on a Resume

Is Coursera good for your resume? And what courses should you list? Here’s everything you need to know about how to put Coursera on a resume.

2 years ago • 4 min read

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With over 5,000 accredited courses, certificates, and full degree programs from some of the best companies and schools around the world, Coursera seems like a pretty good way to boost your skills … right?

Right! Here’s everything you need to know about how to list a Coursera certificate on your resume, which courses belong on your resume (and which don’t), and how to choose the best Coursera programs.

How to put Coursera on a resume

Example of how to put a Coursera certificate on a resume

  1. Choose where to list it. If the course was very significant, you can create a separate “Certifications and Qualifications” section, otherwise it can go in an “Additional Information” section (or under “Education” if you completed the course but didn’t get the certificate).
  2. Create a meaningful heading and/or subheading to help your certificates stand out.
  3. List the exact name of the course.
  4. Include the name of the provider — Coursera offers courses from multiple external providers, so it matters whether the certificate is from Google from Big Al’s Data World.
  5. List the date you completed the course — the more recently you completed it, the more relevant it’s likely to be.
  6. Be clear about whether you gained a degree, certificate, or just completed the course.
  7. Include related skills and projects in other sections of your resume — adding a link to your GitHub or online portfolio is even better.
  8. When you’re done, run your resume through Score My Resume to see how well you’ve covered related skills and keywords.

If you're not sure if you've listed your coursera certificate on your resume the right way, upload it to the tool below – it'll scan it and give you detailed feedback and suggestions on how to improve your resume.

Listing Coursera on a resume: Pros vs cons

Like anything else on your resume, whether to list Coursera certificates on your resume depends on:

Let’s dive into when listing Coursera is good for your resume — and when it isn’t.

When to put a Coursera certificate on your resume

A Coursera certificate might look good on your resume if:

When to leave Coursera off your resume

On the other hand, it probably isn’t worth including Coursera on your resume if:

The best Coursera certificates to include on your resume

The best Coursera certificates for your resume are generally technical skills-based courses from well-known providers. Here’s a list of some of the Coursera certificates most highly regarded by recruiters to get your started:

If you know what technical skills you need to brush up on, try searching for Coursera courses that target those areas. If you aren't sure, use the skills and keywords tool below to find the right skills based on your desired industry or job title.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a job with just a Coursera certificate?

A Coursera certificate alone is unlikely to land you a job, but it can make the difference in getting an interview, especially if you don’t have a lot of other relevant experience. Be prepared to talk about the specific skills you picked up, how you applied them, and any transferable skills from previous jobs.

Should I pay for a Coursera certificate?

There’s no cut and dried answer to this question. Ultimately, it depends on:

If you can’t afford it, it’s fine to skip the badge and simply list the course on your resume alongside any relevant hard skills or projects.

Can I list Coursera on my resume even if I don’t have a certificate?

You can list Coursera courses on your resume even if you don’t have a certificate for them, but don’t put them in a “Certifications” section or claim to have an official certificate if you don’t. Instead, list the course in your education section or in an “Additional Information” section.